The Water Protection Network works to ensure that our members have the tools they need to successfully advocate for sustainable solutions to America’s 21st century water challenges and for protecting our nation’s waters from destructive water projects. By joining the Water Protection Network you will receive:
- Access to an extensive network of experienced advocates. The Water Protection Network connects and engages member groups through conference calls, webinars, a resource-filled website, weekly WPN Update emails, and in person meetings and conferences. Network members lead the way on the nation’s water resources policies.
- Technical assistance and resources to support your efforts. The Water Protection Network provides technical and policy assistance and provides a set of “eyes and ears” in Washington, DC by tracking developments in national water policy, federal legislation and appropriations, and federal water projects and permits.
- A voice in the Water Protection Network’s future. Water Protection Network members are strongly encouraged to participate in committees, planning processes, decision making, and network campaigns. The Water Protection Network strives to ensure inclusiveness in all network decisions and transparency in all of our operations.
Contact Us
Join our network of 250 member organizations!
Membership gives you access to an extensive network of experienced advocates, technical support, and opportunities to participate in federal policy decision-making that will strengthen your organization and produce effective results.
Fill out the form to find out more about the Water Protection Network and help protect the waters that are important to you!
![Wood ducks in a log in the foreground with water in the background](